Vision Therapy in Toronto

Vision therapy is an individualized treatment regimen prescribed to help patients


Vision Therapy is a doctor-supervised program designed to improve the function of the visual system. This program provides patients with the opportunity for new visual experiences through the use of various tools such as:

  • Lenses

  • Prisms

  • Filters

  • 3D activities

How Bayview Vision Can Help

At Bayview Vision, our priority is to create a game plan that is 100% catered to the patient. We believe in an individualized approach, as everybody is unique and has specific goals and needs. Vision therapy can be advantageous for many patients, regardless of their age. We cater vision therapy to all ages.

Vision therapy is mainly conducted in-office once or twice a week, with each session lasting approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Each session will consist of one-on-one time with one of our highly trained vision therapists, where vision activities will be introduced and explained to the patient. In addition to in-office sessions, the vision therapist will also assign home activities in order to supplement and reinforce the activities performed during in-person sessions. Our vision therapy programs can last from 15 weeks to a year or more, depending on the individual’s unique diagnosis, age, commitment, and participation level in the program.

Purpose of Vision Therapy

The purpose of vision therapy is to ultimately improve one’s visual comfort, visual efficiency and ease of movement. It can alter the way a person interprets visual information, and may also improve one’s depth perception. Whether you struggle to read, are an athlete, or are someone who has suffered from a brain injury, vision therapy can help you! Furthermore, individuals with Dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorders have shown tremendous improvement in their visual symptoms upon starting vision therapy.

Vision therapy goes far beyond eye exercises. It is a scientific-based program that, when combined with visual examinations and dedicated participation, can yield dramatic and rewarding results. 


How Does Vision Therapy Help?

  • Prevent the development of visual problems

  • Optimize visual performance and comfort

  • Sessions are generally conducted in-office on a weekly basis

  • Provides necessary treatment for diagnosed visual dysfunction


Symptoms to Look Out For

Teachers, parents, and adults should be on the lookout for the symptoms listed below, as they may indicate a vision issue.

  • Difficulty Reading

  • Poor classroom performance

  • Difficulty staying focused and/or short attention span

  • Strabismus (where both eyes are not aligned)

  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)

  • Double vision and/or difficulties with eye alignment

  • Poor hand-eye coordination

  • Constant squinting/head tilting

  • Using fingers to read

  • Favours one eye over the other

  • Poor handwriting

  • Headaches or fatigue after reading or computer work


Can't I just get glasses?

Having good visual acuity (20/20) does not ensure good vision. Prescription glasses are a major part of optimizing vision. The correct prescription allows for good visual acuity. This allows us to visually process information for planning and learning.

Who can Benefit from Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is beneficial for individuals with learning-related disabilities,  patients suffering from post-concussion visual symptoms, and for patients with strabismus and amblyopia (lazy eye). Vision therapy is safe, drug-free, and effective for both children and adults.

If you or someone you know are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should consider speaking to one of our optometrists regarding how vision therapy fits in:

  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)

  • Strabismus (crossed eye)

  • Convergence Insufficiency

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Learning Disability

  • Down Syndrome

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Developmental Disorders

  • Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Dyslexia

  • Anyone seeking to reach peak performance in sports (Sports Vision Training)


What tools does Vision Therapy use?

Treatment exercises use therapeutic lenses such as prisms and filters, occluders, balance boards, electronic targets & a variety of special tools designed for specific and unique vision therapy activities.