Myopia Control in Toronto

Managing Myopia for Clearer Vision

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition that can progress over time, especially in children. According to the WHO, this rapid increase has escalated into a significant public health issue. Globally, myopia is also on the rise, with projections indicating that by 2050, nearly half of the world's population will be myopic.

At Bayview Vision, we specialize in myopia control treatments designed to slow its progression and preserve long-term eye health. Using advanced techniques like specialty contact lenses and tailored treatment plans, we help manage myopia effectively and reduce the risk of future complications. Protect your child’s vision and set them on the path to a brighter, clearer future with our personalized myopia control solutions.

Why is an increase in Myopia a concern?

An increase in myopia is more than just needing stronger glasses — it’s linked to serious eye health risks. Higher levels of myopia are associated with co-morbidities such as retinal detachment, sub-retinal neovascularization, dense cataracts, and glaucoma, all of which can lead to severe and irreversible vision loss. Additionally, higher prescriptions often require thicker lenses, which can impact comfort and aesthetics. Managing myopia early is essential to reducing these risks and protecting long-term eye health.

What is Myopia Control?

Myopia control refers to a range of treatments and strategies designed to slow the progression of nearsightedness in children. At Bayview Vision, we create personalized plans tailored to your child’s unique needs, which may include:

  • Multifocal Lenses

    • Glasses

    • Contact Lenses

  • Ortho-keratology

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Eye focusing control through vision therapy

  • Limiting excessive near work

  • Increasing time outdoors

Bayview Vision is proud to offer an array of myopia control treatments.

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